Siberische talingen.
Siberische talingen.
In a recent report on the immensely damaging Four Rivers project in the Republic of Korea (http://www.birdskor 4-Rivers/ Downloads/ Second-Draft- 4-Rivers- and-Waterbirds. doc), Nial Moores states "the Baikal Teal continues to increase rapidly, as it has done over the past two decades, increasing from an estimate of only 75,000 and declining (Rose and Scott 1994), to now well over one million (MOE 2009). The ROK supports close to 100% of this species in winter. Their spectacular increase is believed linked to the increase of newly reclaimed land as well as to a decline in hunting pressure (Moores 1996; Moores 2005). By 2009, MOE Census data shows that the Baikal Teal is easily the most numerous waterbird in the ROK, with 1,063,280 counted (representing c 60% of the total 1,832,629 waterbirds counted nationwide: MOE 2009).