Yesterday, Saturday the 12th Sep, a flock of 432 SL was found which,
together with smaller flocks, produced a daily total of almost 600 birds.
This is by far the largest daily total of SL's since the surveys began 4
years ago.
Survey is funded by RSPB.
Jeff Gordon et al.
Dit alles is in het Manych Wetland in Rusland. Op onderstaande linkje zijn ook wat foto's van de Steppekieviten te vinden:
Steppekieviten in Rusland.
Re: Steppekieviten in Rusland.
Dear all,
Slightly earlier than expected, thousands of sociable lapwings have arrived at the usual Ceylanpinar stopover site in south-eastern Turkey. There waiting for them was a team of DD fieldworkers - yesterday they counted 1672. They are there as part of the Darwin project - and will continue there for the next few days, monitoring the migration flow, trying to read colour rings and also collect habitat and threat data.
More news to follow...
Slightly earlier than expected, thousands of sociable lapwings have arrived at the usual Ceylanpinar stopover site in south-eastern Turkey. There waiting for them was a team of DD fieldworkers - yesterday they counted 1672. They are there as part of the Darwin project - and will continue there for the next few days, monitoring the migration flow, trying to read colour rings and also collect habitat and threat data.
More news to follow...
Re: Steppekieviten in Rusland.
"The second international expedition to Kumo-Manych Depression in South Russia (Stavropolskij Krai and Republic of Kalmykia) was organized in September 2009 in order to survey this vast wetland area for Sociable Lapwings
From 3 to 16 of September 2009 the area was surveyed by 5 independent field teams, consisting of members of RSPB, ACBK, Stavropol State University and local ornithologists.
Around 4000 Sociable Lapwings were recorded with up to 2000 birds considered to be different individuals. The highest single day count reached 900 birds. With most of the birds being checked for rings only one was found to be colour-ringed (marked as a juvenile in Kostanaj region in July 2009)."
From 3 to 16 of September 2009 the area was surveyed by 5 independent field teams, consisting of members of RSPB, ACBK, Stavropol State University and local ornithologists.
Around 4000 Sociable Lapwings were recorded with up to 2000 birds considered to be different individuals. The highest single day count reached 900 birds. With most of the birds being checked for rings only one was found to be colour-ringed (marked as a juvenile in Kostanaj region in July 2009)."
Re: Steppekieviten in Rusland.
Hi guys,
Just letting you know that we had a thoroughly enjoyable trip to Syria; I arrived back home yesterday, March 16th. Tagging along were 12 (Dutch and Belgian) birders. Among the highlights were
- 43 SLs at Al Howl, 9 at Al Cholla (again spotted from the highway btw Der ez-Zor and Palmyra, as was the case in 2007) and 7 at Talila reserve, Palmyra (my first sighting there);
- apparently the second record of (live) Long-eared Owl: two at Der ez-Zor;
- apparently the second record of Steppe Grey Shrike: an adult at Talila reserve, Palmyra;
- a female Semicollared Flycatcher at Der ez-Zor (details of the latter three sightings, incl photographs, will be sent in to the rarities committee asap);
- 88 White Pelicans (flocks of 65 and 23) migrating low over Jabboul;
- single adult Greater Spotted Eagles at Shnan and Mheimideh (just like last year);
- 19 Marbled Duck at Mheimideh and 2000+ and 3 pairs of White-headed Duck at Jabboul and Mheimideh, respectively;
- fields full of larks, incl 1000's of Bimaculated (in at least 4 areas, most at Talila reserve) and Lesser Short-toed, and several Short-toed, with a single Bar-tailed Lark in the desert btw Der ez-Zor and Palmyra;
- good migration, incl a fall of 30+ Cyprus Wheatears, a Pied Wheatear, Orphean, Rueppell's and Menetries Warbler (both subspecies! - what is the status of 'mystacea' in Syria?) and Thrush Nightingale at Palmyra over two days (13-14 March);
- and an extraordinary 6 See-see Partridges scoped for over an hour, at Karakozak dam (4) and "Lower Khabur reservoir" dam (2) respectively.
The total tally numbered 167 species, few short of a similar trip to Eilat! Other highlights included Wolf Snake and Anax ephippiger and Sympetrum fonscolombii (dragonflies) in high numbers - and a lush vegetation in the desert south of the Euphrates river, with knee-high meadows full of quail, larks and other migrants.
Best regards,
Just letting you know that we had a thoroughly enjoyable trip to Syria; I arrived back home yesterday, March 16th. Tagging along were 12 (Dutch and Belgian) birders. Among the highlights were
- 43 SLs at Al Howl, 9 at Al Cholla (again spotted from the highway btw Der ez-Zor and Palmyra, as was the case in 2007) and 7 at Talila reserve, Palmyra (my first sighting there);
- apparently the second record of (live) Long-eared Owl: two at Der ez-Zor;
- apparently the second record of Steppe Grey Shrike: an adult at Talila reserve, Palmyra;
- a female Semicollared Flycatcher at Der ez-Zor (details of the latter three sightings, incl photographs, will be sent in to the rarities committee asap);
- 88 White Pelicans (flocks of 65 and 23) migrating low over Jabboul;
- single adult Greater Spotted Eagles at Shnan and Mheimideh (just like last year);
- 19 Marbled Duck at Mheimideh and 2000+ and 3 pairs of White-headed Duck at Jabboul and Mheimideh, respectively;
- fields full of larks, incl 1000's of Bimaculated (in at least 4 areas, most at Talila reserve) and Lesser Short-toed, and several Short-toed, with a single Bar-tailed Lark in the desert btw Der ez-Zor and Palmyra;
- good migration, incl a fall of 30+ Cyprus Wheatears, a Pied Wheatear, Orphean, Rueppell's and Menetries Warbler (both subspecies! - what is the status of 'mystacea' in Syria?) and Thrush Nightingale at Palmyra over two days (13-14 March);
- and an extraordinary 6 See-see Partridges scoped for over an hour, at Karakozak dam (4) and "Lower Khabur reservoir" dam (2) respectively.
The total tally numbered 167 species, few short of a similar trip to Eilat! Other highlights included Wolf Snake and Anax ephippiger and Sympetrum fonscolombii (dragonflies) in high numbers - and a lush vegetation in the desert south of the Euphrates river, with knee-high meadows full of quail, larks and other migrants.
Best regards,